What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?

edited August 24 in Great Reset
imageWhat Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?

"Today’s public enemy no. 1 – is a master of deception. Grasping this, means recognising that we have a new dimension to get to grips with in order to develop a strategy able to lay bare this deception and to explode its psychological hold over the better part of humanity. This can only be done by those who possess the foresight and awareness which enables them to identify the behaviour patterns and motivations common to the chief operatives behind the process of human enslavement. It includes recognising the main causal elements behind the mass hypnosis of humanity. The inducing of a state of mind (and being) which leads good people ‘not to act’ when everything around them instinctively demands taking immediate action. On further scrutinising this dire state of affairs, it becomes apparent that there is something jamming the broader survival instinct of a great swathe of the human population."

Read the full story here


  • I agree 100% with what you say… We need to look within for the power to do what is creative, good and right. Allow ourselves to be guided by our 'higher selves' our 'intuition', our hearts, our connection to God, whatever one wishes to call accessing what I believe is our innate wisdom.

    The so called 'demonic' is a state of mind, which I believe has come into being, not because some are intrinsically evil, but rather because childhood pains, traumas, unmet needs, lack of love or other pains, so hurt these people that it has caused them to be driven, as they appear to be, to feel they need for ever more power or money.

    Wealthy families often still have wet nurses or nannies, send their children to boarding schools where any manner of abuse can occur, etc., etc., etc.

    Unmet childhood needs and or trauma are powerful drivers of character, and as it says in the bible, the 'sins of the forefathers will be visited upon the children until the forth or fifth generation'. I think those 'sins'…abusing or neglecting ones children, are passed on for centuries, and when, as is the case in many instances of various psychopathy's that appear to run in certain families, these 'pains' are never dealt with via therapy, but rather in some cases purposefully kept going, by some families as it breeds powerful 'energies' which ensure riches and power will stay in the family and more will be accrued. In other instances it is passed on thoughtlessly from generation to generation.

    All is energy and energy can manifest in infinite ways, 'evil' is one such manifestation, as is love. This concept is understood by the powerful. What they do not seem to understand, even though they receive great pleasure from having so much power, is that they make their own lives, unsafe, painful, demanding, and even more fearful than those childhood fears driving them to ensure they have what their psychotic state dictates they must have. How can surveillance of everything and everyone, knowledge of what everyone and everything on the planet desires or needs, armed guards on their properties, alarms to warn them of danger, control of all the finance on earth, the need to gain 'profit' for themselves from even the deep seas as is intended with the 'internet of everything', indicate happiness or peace of mind? These desires and needs smack of intense fear of 'not having'.

    Could we not maybe have compassion for these states of mind, and not seek to 'fight' them, but rather 'work' to mend them? Difficult to feel compassion for those who hurt so many and so much, but 'fighting' is not the answer. Yes I know, I'm practicing semantics, but word are also great energy forms.