Welcome to the online forum for nobulart.com, and we're excited that you've chosen to join our growing family of like-minded individuals. Whether you're here to share your knowledge, seek advice, or simply connect with others who share your interests, you've come to the right place. This forum is a vibrant and inclusive…
What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?
What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It?"Today’s public enemy no. 1 – is a master of deception. Grasping this, means recognising that we have a new dimension to get to grips with in order to develop a strategy able to lay bare this deception and to explode its psychological hold over…
East & West
East & West"Our planet rotates from west to east. Has it always done so? In this rotation from west to east, the sun is seen to rise in the east and set in the west. Was the east the primeval and only place of the sunrise? There is testimony from all parts of the world that the side which is now turned toward the evening…
Artifice of the Real
Artifice of the Real"In the ever-evolving world of warfare, there's a new kid on the block – information. Thanks to the digital age, data has become as deadly as guns and bombs. Nations and rogue actors now use AI-driven propaganda as their swords. In the battlefield of the internet, it's narratives against narratives.…
Order of the Illuminati
Order of the Illuminati"On May 1, 1776, under the direction of the newly formed House of Rothschild, along with Wessely, Moses, Mendelssohn, and the bankers Itzig, Friedlander, and Meyer (who instigated the American Revolution to weaken Great Britain), Weishaupt founded the "Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria" which…
Identifying AI-Generated Video Propaganda
I thought it might be useful to start a thread looking at some of the videos that are surfacing as part of the globalist agenda to scare the hell out of everyone. There's a tsunami of digitally produced propaganda pouring out of various big tech platforms (perhaps notably Twitter/X, TikTok and Meta's platforms). Let's open…
Earth Changes
Earth Changes"The ancient Atlantean texts, have their own predictions about what will occur regarding Earth changes in the next few years. There are also predictions about socioeconomic changes. As I mentioned earlier, they were the ‘heaviest’, most frightening things I ever read at the time. Later, I came to realize the…